For example: Coming up with one of the best marketing campaign projects in one of my advertising classes due to the fact that I created the most buzz for my project.
Ultimately when I graduate, I want to be a creative director at an ad agency. I love commercials, especially clever and funny ones.
To begin branding myself, I am going to start microblogging about advertising campaigns.
The purpose of this is to offer "the ordinary man's thoughts on the best and worst advertisements." Television, print, online, billboards, whatever.
Using humor, I will critique ads, campaigns, copywriting, and even suggest ways that I would do things differently.
There are a few blogs that do something similar including [http://www.ibelieveinadv.com/]. However, mine will be more engaging by asking the audience their thoughts on the ads and how they think they can make it better.
To create and generate traffic to my blog, I will spread the news by word of mouth and also link the site to my twitter and also Facebook.
-Matthew Molina
Matthew, thank you for your blog entry. I have edited this for effect and discussion in class. I look forward to seeing your advertising blog.
Matthew, have you started your blog yet? If so, please share it in class. Thank you, Perri