I can spend hours on www.Stumbleupon.com and look
through the most useless stuff and still have a blast.
Well, my sister always raves about Pinterest. She
had just bought a new house and she keeps coming up with these cool new ideas
for designing and decorating. When I asked, "where'd you get that from,
you're not that creative?" she responds with Pinterest.
After visiting the website, it was easy to sign up.
I clicked on a few pictures that interested me and clicked create
With those 5 clicks, I just let Pinterest know
exactly what I am into and what I find interesting.
After my profile was created, my home page was full
of so many things I am interested in, and surprisingly more educational than
stumble upon.
On my home page, since the site knows I like cars. Ferrari had this
really cool bicycle on it. Just by looking at the bike, it seems like its
speeding whens it’s standing still. Ferrari is getting its name out there and
that it produces more than just really fast automobiles.
Oooo, Pinterest! One of my onsessions too, glad you're enjoying it!