Where Is My Target Audience?
How Exactly Can I Interact With My Target Audience
As recently seen, I created the Twitter account @InItForTheWin through which I will be executing my personal brand.
I have tried following intuitive corporation and agencies that offer job opportunities and intern/extern-ships. But I have not yet received sufficient followers to call it a success.
But wait... There is yet something else that needs to be done.
I got great advice from Perri to hash-tag the word ENTREPRENEUR. Doing so, I decided to follow the Entrepreneur Magazine twitter account @EntMagazine and also @TheSuccessKing.
I have come to realize that this actually is my target audience. Young revolutionaries wanting to succeed. And, in order for someone to reach successful entrepreneurship, the first step is to prepare and educate themselves.
My continued approach is to mention them in my tweets hoping for some retweets. I want to make sure that their followers follow me as well!
Follow my personal brand twitter account @InItForTheWin !
Nice job, Manny!