Monday, October 1, 2012

Wass Zuckerberg

Just call me Wass Zuckerberg, since I will make vacationing that much more fun with my new social network tool. Just kidding; I wish. 

As you all heard in class, I have this great idea I am developing about an internet tool that will help you vacation with people you want to vacation with.

I love to travel, and I vacation anytime I can. Whether it’s a road trip to Chicago, or a cruise on the Caribbean’s, I’m there.

Therefore, I through of this great idea to start a website to know who is going to be at the place you are planning to visit.

For example, if you want to go on a cruise on spring break.

You are a 22-year-old male.
You want to book a cruise that has the most people your age. Preferably women.
You will log onto my website, see how many chicks checked into what cruise for what dates.
And you will now know what to expect on that cruise ship.

My target won’t just be people our age. It’s for any age group who loves to travel.
For instance, say you are a 70-year-old couple looking to vacation in March. You want to avoid obnoxious, loud, drunk ass holes on your get-away. Excuse my French.

I would like to expand this site later on if it actually get big to events and night life. KNOW WHO WILL BE THERE, BEFORE YOU ACTUALLY GET THERE!!

Although I will need some strategy’s I need to get started on this website.
Since phone apps are quite the fad, that will definitely be one.
An east to navigate website will be key.
A partner that’s in the field would also be strategic.
And last but not least, I need to get funded lol.

I’m not sure what the cost of this project will be, but I honestly don’t think it will be much. I just need one expert computer geek to get all my ideas in computer code.

And last but not least, I need a catchy name for the website! I thought of, but that’s pretty lame.
I already have a slogan.
       “ Its not where you vacation, its who you vacation with”

Now I need you all to comment with some catchy name, I will give you 1% of what my company will be worth.
That’s a lot, since I’m aiming for millions ;)


  1. I would SOOO use this. Im the kind of person who goes on like 363 sites trying to find the perfect spot, so annoying. Now i can have a one stop place with all the info i need!

  2. I love your blog entry and would actually recommend changing your headline to "It's not where you vacation, it's who you vacation with." This is your personal brand statement. I love it.

    My question: Can you actually get this started while in class? I would like the class to develop tools and channels that help to build a personal brand. So, if the web site is the way you want to go, I want to see you build it. If you can't, then I want to see you build it through something else. E.g., pinterest contest, partnering with a travel site ... something.

    Please give some thought and let me know.

    Also ... next week, I am going to start grading your blog posts with letter grades. Watch your format, writing, grammar, etc.

    Thank you,
